Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Follow up on the Swedish railroad job of the Wikileaks guy. According to Swedish news the prosecutor who issues the warrant and "leaked"  news to the media is in trouble.  Rättssäkerhetsorganisationen and Justitieombudsmännen, private Swedish legal organizations involved with justice and due process have asked a judge to examine the prosecutors behavior. That doesnt really mean anything other than some lawyers unions think the prosecutor acted inappropriately and complained about it, but I couldnt pass up the chance to type "Rättssäkerhetsorganisationen" hehe.

The hands in the picture spell "Wiki".

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At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz