Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama/Clinton support arms dealers over freedom/change

The United States has reached the point economically where we need to promote war or face depression and job loss. If you need another reason why Obama is just Bush 3.0, just more of the same, take a look at these shenanigans going on with the US foreign aid to Egypt's junta leadership. We are giving them US tax dollars with the political correct tag of "foreign aid", which they are only allowed (via our required approval for spending) to use to buy weapons and vehicles from US arms manufacturers. Since when is it ok for the President to essentially giving tax dollars to private companies? Would these companies even exists were it not for this roundabout tax grant? So why is a Democrat supporting/promoting US arms makers? Clinton explained this: US jobs. Obama's election hinges on the economy and his chances would be hurt if the bullet and jet factories laid off workers, which would make the economy look even worse than it already is. Democracy needs to be put on hold in another country because 4 more years of this guy getting nothing done here is more important?

This is not change. This is not what I voted for. I want a president who will choose not to arm Junta's even if it makes him look bad. I want a president who would never use taxpayer money in this backdoor fashion. We need less guns and bullets in the Middle East and we need the US arms dealers to go out of business. The government needs to stop giving taxpayer money away to private business - those Billions need to go to education and health care in THIS COUNTRY.

I am not going to vote for someone just because they have a D next to their name. Romney has flip flopped all over the board so we have no idea what he'll do..but it cant be any worse and maybe he'll actually accomplish something with the cooperation of congress.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What does Jenny Durkan want ?

In a political, reactionary "look at us! we're doing something!" response to the shootings in a Seattle cafe, US Attorney Jenny Durkan called for extra prosecution if you are accused of something and have a gun. Here in Florida we have extreme mandatory sentences (which I'm sure the private jails love) for individuals who fire a gun even if no one is actually hurt. Incredible examples like that Ronald Thomas and Marissa Alexander show what you end up with when you go down the slippery slope Att. Durkan is talking about. Dont expect any justice from a government run justice system thats for sure. On the other side of that coin you have these "everyone is a golden snowflake" types who think medical holiday or max 21 years is in order for a mass killer of  80 children. Click below for my rant.

NHL top goalie is who?

I guess getting your team to the cup AND actually winning it is NOT required to be considered for the NHL goalie of the year trophy. I figured Jonathan Quick was a shoe in for a trophy that goes to the goalie who is "adjudged to be the best at this position". Apparently that was the Ranger's goalie and not the guy that actually won.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Someone actually fianced Space Stallions cartoon

A while back I blogged about a cartoon that I thought was a joke. However, for good or ill Space Stallions is a go! Someone paid for 26 episodes to be made. Meanwhile my parents couldnt find a friend willing to part with $400 bucks to help fund my refugee's hockey school :(

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Florida law permits homeless to attend college for free

You got to wonder how this sorta thing made it on to the books. Florida is not known as a bleeding heart state and most politicians here became politicians to serve their own agenda. Was this a sneaky way of Legislators getting out of paying tuition for their kids (since most college student could be considered "homeless")

Michael Bay's TMNT-like movie canned! Thank you Jesus

Apparently this was going to be a horrid unfaithful adaptation of our favorite childhood show. The people who green light this stuff arnt interested in honoring the show. They are interested in making money with computer generated explosions.

HBO pulls Bush head episode

If you can find an unedited copy get it while you still can! I dont see what the fuss is all about.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Accurate podcast review of Prometheus

Qt3 get it all right...I couldnt stop laughing..and its sooo true

Theron is pretty hot..Havnt seen her in anything..going to have to dig up some former films..olala

Post 550

Yay #550 blog posts..nice number for a stat update!

I started this Blog in May of 2008

The site has been slowly growing. The 2 best months were August 2011 with 1735 page views and this May 2012 with 2221 page views. All time I have currently 19,454 unique page views. Of those visitors only 6% were using something other than a Windows PC to view the site. 2% were using an IPad. 1% were viewing from an Android or IPhone. The vast majority of visitors are from the US followed by the UK, Canada and apparently Russia. The two most popular stories are Bellingham Black Widow story (with over 10,000 of those views, 28 just today) and my Rift beta 4 review. Yahoo is currently directing the most traffic to my blog, followed by Bing..which seems strange as this is Google blogsite. Facebook has failed to be a significant source of traffic since I begun reposting there. All top ten keyword searches that link to this blog are some version of "black widow spider".

My goal for the next 550 posts is to unseat the Black Widow spider post as the most popular post. 

Overflowing with News!

My bookmarked stories list is getting a bit long so here ya go! Hope you find them as interesting as I did! Blame an apathetic not my problem American population for some of this stuff btw..

Guinness World Records will not recognize 11yo who killed the most Bulls
7yo Tyler Armstrong climbs Mt Whitney
"Nanny State" School board bans classroom pets
15 elementary students stab each other with used needle "for fun"
DSHS gives out no bid contracts to radical left wing cronies
Number of homeless families growing in Florida
Wa. lawyers challenge secret "special inquiry proceedings"
Florida redefines "child neglect" to make stats look better
Florida EPA rewrites rules for business buddies
Florida schools lower writing standard to 50%=pass
Florida road building contracts an "old boys" network of collusion
Congressman sells farm for $25M above value and gets to keep the land
Got a checkered past? Want to make 6 figures? Join Seattle Police Dept!
Gov answer to not getting its way : drag out the paperwork
Want to know what makes food "creamy"? Wood Pulp!
Most orange juice is actually water+flavor packet?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus Xing in front of the Sun

What is a Snooki?

 18yo Europeans might not get this best sports taunt EVER, but thats Snooki and co from "Jersy Shore" reminding the New Jersey Devils who they are associated with. Los Angeles won the game 4-0 and looks like they will sweep the Devils to win Lord Stanley's Cup. 


At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz