Sunday, May 5, 2013

Benghazi and Boston

Just a quick thought. Its not a conspiracy theory to suggest the government feeds us false info from time to time -its a fact. We -know- Obama has no problem deploying smoke and mirrors on the American public if he feels he has good reason. The whole BS Benghazi attack story about a anti-muslim video protest turned violent, which went as far as to arrest the this video creator in California, is a pretty clear example.
 So can we trust this story in Boston about 2 young relatively settled college kids masterminding the Boston bombing plot - and successfully pulling it off - only later to have absolutely no escape plan, and start acting completely erratically (like kids over their heads should). The pictures I posted earlier of the backpack that contained the bomb not being on with the Tzarneav's but on the back of the Blackwater Mercenary are very convincing to me.

What if Craft, the quasi legal mercenary company working security at the marathon (a team full of army drop outs and psych cases with lots of experience with IED's), thought it would be good for business to have a bombing or two on US soil. Look at the damn Craft logo from crying out loud; these people have issues (and we are likely paying them millions just like Karzi). If I was in the Obama administration the LAST thing I'd want public is that one of our pet killers slipped its leash and bit our hand. Instability in the military, even the quasi military, would freak out the entire country. It might explain why none of the regular media seem to be interested in the presence of these Craft guys.

I think its much more likely that this Craft(Blackwater) company planted the bombs and the Tsarneav brothers, who were already on edge from having the Russian and US government show interest in them, were convenient scapegoats. Its even possible that the Craft(Blackwater) guys set these kids up as their fall guys.Its easier for me to accept that the Tzarneav's were already paranoid about the government watching them and freaked out when they were fingered as the bombers rather than they masterminded a bombing, constructed WMDs without telling anyone or any of their friends and family noticing, and but didnt have a plan for afterwards.

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At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz