Monday, May 28, 2012

Angry Joe reviews Torchlight 2

I was going to do a blogpost about my beta experience playing Torchlight 2 but Angry Joe did a fairly  good job and has video to boot. Verdict : Buy it as soon as it come out! $20 is an excellent price for this awesome game that wont rot your soul and make you an irresponsible consumer like spending money on Diablo3 would. And if you cant go another minute without playing a mouse clicker dungeon crawl order Titan Quest Immortal throne from the internet. Great game with an ancient mythology theme and loads of different character class combos to experiment with.

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At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz