Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obama's newest war

Via Orbusmax, an interesting read about US and Turkish build up around Syria's boarders. Apparently we are orcastrating regime change there...but Sshhhhhh! dont tell anyone its the US behind it.

"The United States cannot be seen as being involved in regime change in Syria, but it is clear that Assad must go for the sake of regional stability," 

What is the difference between what Bush did with governments he didnt like and what Obama is doing now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't believe everything you read.


At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz