Sunday, October 7, 2012

Canada defunds its own evironmental testing

Environmental regulation getting in the way of your pet project?? Defund the testing and research so no one can say what is going to happen! This seems to be the maneuver of choice for political types who's pet project will do bad things. In this case, even though the shipping route is extremely hazardous and the Native peoples living there dont want it,  Prime Minister Harper is going to build his oil dock regardless. There should be a law against tinkering with research.

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At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz