Mother Jones magazine put together handy calculator to determine whether the minimum wage job in your area pays a living wage. Basically there is no point in working a minimum wage job if you live anywhere near an urban area because your basic living expenses will exceed your income. Unfortunately people really dont have a choice since the social service net is as holey as swiss cheese. You cant depend on government support and you cant depend on goverment to force companies to offer a living wage. Recently Obama proposed a raise in the minimum wage to 9-something an hour. 9 dollars? 9$ is not anywhere near a living wage. The president argues that if he proposed anything hire the corporations would rebel, fire people, and raise prices and nothing would pass. Which just goes to show what a weak, terrible leader he really he. Walmart already tried this and The D.C. city council called their bluff. My biggest issue with this whole debate is the unfairness of wages. I'm sure the corporations know their businesses, know their customer and know costs. They are prob telling the truth that prices would go up. But they are saying that while paying their top executives millions of dollars a year. No one person "needs" a multi million dollar salary to survive. And we are talking about basic survival needs at the minimum wage level. We need a new minimum wage and a maximum wage and they should be tied together so that one is not grossly out of proportion to the other.
I think you did a great job of reporting. I hope you will continue this type of reporting, without interjecting your negetive responses. Job well done.
$23 an hour is a fair wage. And some companies pay that so their workers can enjoy a family wage.
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