I have a few comments on Obamas efforts of late to inspire the people who put him in office.
Both the jobs plan and the repeal of dont ask dont tell are paper thin facades.
First, yes you can be openly gay in the military. I guess thats a wrong righted. The sole beneficiary are the people who wanted everyone to know they were gay. The actual victims of Dont Ask Dont Tell really get nothing out of it. The federal government still doesn't recognize gay marriage, so gay people still cant designate a member of the same sex for benefits, medical, pay, or survivor purposes. And since the military incentives marrige by providing better housing and pay for married soldiers the gays are still getting shafted. Plus, the largest chunk of gay people discharged came from career oriented specialist position that have likely been filled in their absence. With budget cuts coming the likelihood of a discharged serviceman getting their career back is about nil. And that says nothing about the damage being discharged did to said persons career in the meantime. Just like any other job you cant really take years off and expect to keep pace with the industry.
And the jobs bill? Please. Who is writing these things? You want a business to add 30-60k a salary for 4,000 tax benefit. That would mean to even consider hiring someone a business would be expecting a 26-56k profit this year just to break even. Are you kidding me? 60k profit? In this economy? How is a 4k tax break any incentive for the majority of businesses out there in it requires a business to spend 5-6 times that on a new employee?
This seems to me to be another effective tax break for corporations who think in terms of hiring 100s of people at a time. If you want to help business' in the US cut incentives and heavily tax business that produce overseas and bring back those basic factory jobs to America. Then give a business a tax break equal a large portion of whatever they pay in salary to workers. Then put that tax money into a health care voucher system so neither businesses nor employees need to worry about employee healthcare. Finally tax the bejesus out of individuals making more than 1 million dollars a year BECAUSE NO ONE REALLY NEEDS THAT MUCH PERSONAL WEALTH. I live a very comfortable and fairly sushi filled life and only make around 40k per year. Why does anyone need 5x or 10x or 100x that much year income??
Both the jobs plan and the repeal of dont ask dont tell are paper thin facades.
First, yes you can be openly gay in the military. I guess thats a wrong righted. The sole beneficiary are the people who wanted everyone to know they were gay. The actual victims of Dont Ask Dont Tell really get nothing out of it. The federal government still doesn't recognize gay marriage, so gay people still cant designate a member of the same sex for benefits, medical, pay, or survivor purposes. And since the military incentives marrige by providing better housing and pay for married soldiers the gays are still getting shafted. Plus, the largest chunk of gay people discharged came from career oriented specialist position that have likely been filled in their absence. With budget cuts coming the likelihood of a discharged serviceman getting their career back is about nil. And that says nothing about the damage being discharged did to said persons career in the meantime. Just like any other job you cant really take years off and expect to keep pace with the industry.
And the jobs bill? Please. Who is writing these things? You want a business to add 30-60k a salary for 4,000 tax benefit. That would mean to even consider hiring someone a business would be expecting a 26-56k profit this year just to break even. Are you kidding me? 60k profit? In this economy? How is a 4k tax break any incentive for the majority of businesses out there in it requires a business to spend 5-6 times that on a new employee?
This seems to me to be another effective tax break for corporations who think in terms of hiring 100s of people at a time. If you want to help business' in the US cut incentives and heavily tax business that produce overseas and bring back those basic factory jobs to America. Then give a business a tax break equal a large portion of whatever they pay in salary to workers. Then put that tax money into a health care voucher system so neither businesses nor employees need to worry about employee healthcare. Finally tax the bejesus out of individuals making more than 1 million dollars a year BECAUSE NO ONE REALLY NEEDS THAT MUCH PERSONAL WEALTH. I live a very comfortable and fairly sushi filled life and only make around 40k per year. Why does anyone need 5x or 10x or 100x that much year income??
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