Thursday, November 4, 2010

Time spent podcasting

I'm a big fan of background noise. I'm sure some people cant stand other things going on that arnt related to what they are doing but I'm a multitasker. When I'm at home - whether sleeping, watching tv, playing vidoe games or reading I often have either music or pod caster running in the background. In you are looking for some white noise that will also educate you..check these out...Astronomy cast and Love line are particularly good. List after the break

skeptics guide to news
hardcore history
Loveline radio archieves
scientific american
Quackcast medical podcast
this american life
futures in biotech
radio lab
BBC history podcast
history of japan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You researching skills are amazing.
You need a research job. make it something you love and the money will follow.


At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. There is no future or freedom in the circumscribed life and the only other life is complete rejection of the rules. There is no longer room for the soldier of fortune or the gentleman adventurer who can live both within and outside of society. Today it is all or nothing. To save my own sanity I chose the nothing.

-James Bolivar DiGriz